Woah! Even Newer Leaks!

Hi guys!Magic Sinker here. I just wanted to let LW know that this wasn’t what was supposed to happen, and I had some technical difficulties. So excuse me for the epic post fail you saw about an hour ago! *sigh :-(* here is the post.

I am so excited for the new vehicles that you’ve all probably seen on the PHB, or as you fellow bloggers have seen on the Creators’ blog! Here are the screenshots of the designs! Voting ends this Sunday, so pop on over to blog.poptropica.com to vote! Quick! 🙂

No offense to you Poptropicans who like the Wild Bug, or Poptropicans who are called Wild Bug, but the one I don’t like the most is Wild Bug. I like the future bikes the best. I just want to say that original Poptropicans don’t seem to do very well with holding handles, as seen in Uni-Moto.

Omce again, I think Poptropica Worlds is getting REALLY close, as there have been two sneak peeks and Spring is/nearly is over. TBH, I think Big Wheel is better off without the umbrella.;-)

Here is the poll!

Here are the outcomes as of now, but you can make a difference by voting if you haven’t already.

Ok, and I am so happy that Wild Bug is losing! I mean Oh No! Wild Bug is losing! #Sarcasm

Here is the next BIG thing! A sneak peek! I think it is either an egg, the inside of a bicycle helmet, or a spherical oblong R2D2. I think I am really wrong. What are your guesses? Tell me in the comments or, preferably, post them on social media. I am definitely not Tweeting them or Instagram-ing my guesses just because I know I’m gonna lose miserably. P.S: Fierce Flyer, you don’t die.

Hey! You guys forgot to mention Jebale Ko, Oliotya (Luganda), and Habari Gani (Swahili). Brave Burger don’t ask me how I know that.

I just want to thank Lucky Wing (sometimes it feels like you are the only one reading my posts! :-)) & Fierce Flyer especially for being so supportive on this blog. Same to Shy Axe, and the Poptastic Blog Staff. I also want to thank you, the PoptastiCommunity (But if you aren’t, I still thank you) for reading my blog. Most of the time. Bye my fellow POPtropicans! Icannot wait for Poptropica Worlds!

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